(985) 892-4343
The Company
SERG, Inc. was first established in Covington, LA, (35 miles north of New Orleans) in June 2000, servicing the States of Louisiana and Mississippi. Representation of several premier manufacturers was secured at that time. These are companies that have quality products, superior service, unique features and benefits to sell on, and are cost-effective. Today, our firm seeks the same type of manufacturers to partner with, as we are looking for quality rather than quantity to fulfill our partnership needs.
Many of the manufacturers we represent today were sent to us by our customers. Our company is dedicated to finding quality manufacturers to partner with and grow our market share.
Our Team
SERG, Inc. has been in business for 24 years and has grown considerably in that time. We started with one inside sales product specialist and one outside sales and marketing consultant. In a short time, we have added three outside sales, inside sales staff, support personnel, and marketing consultants. We are committed to adding to our staff as needed, providing the best customer service and response you will not find anywhere.
Our team goes beyond the sales function, providing customer service, order entry, expediting, and many marketing programs. We are a young, aggressive sales team with the belief that we must be in front of our customers at all times.
Why We Stand Out
At SERG, Inc., we are proud of the reputation we have secured in a short period. We are known for being hardworking, honest, loyal, and customer service–oriented. Our staff has the ability to go the extra mile in servicing the customer and working with manufacturers. We are being complimented on a regular basis by our customers as one of the top rep firms in the Louisiana and Mississippi area.
Mission Statement
SERG, Inc. partners with top manufacturers in the industrial, commercial, and residential electrical industries, serving the Louisiana and Mississippi markets. SERG, Inc. works primarily with electrical wholesalers while also addressing the needs of end users, engineers, and the OEM markets. We are dedicated to the highest level of customer service and professionalism.